Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beach Get-Away

We just got back from a little trip to the beach. We really enjoyed having a week away. We arrived Monday afternoon, did our grocery shopping for the condo, and got everything settled in...then we headed down to the beach. It was dark at this point and Kamryn's first time so she was a little unsure of it all, especially the sand on her feet. She also thought I had lost my mind when I told her to take her shoes off when we reached the beach. If she could combine words into sentences, she would have said, "Umm, Mama, we wear our shoes outside....are you crazy?!". That is my translation from the protest and look on her face anyway. It only took her a few minutes to fall in love with the beach. We were blessed with good weather until we went shopping that day. We came back home much as I love to get away for a few days and as much as I love the beach, we were thankful to be HOME. There truly is "no place like home".

First night...see she liked it after a few minutes. :)

Here she still wasn't so sure...

Kamryn and Daddy EARLY that first morning.

...playing on the beach at night...



...having a snack...


...we were "helping" Daddy grill...

...Silly girl...

...apparently, Mama is pretty funny, huh?...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Month Long Vacation?

Apparently, I have taken a month long vacation from has been over a month since my last post! Things have been beyond hectic for us this last month. Big news: we have officially listed our house FOR SALE! We are hoping for a quick sale but with this economy....we can't know for sure. Jimmy was home for three weeks this month so along with getting our house market ready, we took a small vacation to the beach (which I'll post pictures of later). Kamryn LOVED the beach (just like her Mama). I also want to mention that my grandparents, Terry and Rita Pettit, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 10th. I am thrilled that we were all able to get together and give them a reception to celebrate. These two are an inspiration to me in so many ways, and I love them dearly.

We love you Granny and Grandaddy....and congratulations, again. :)